• Prepak Systems Inc.
  • Rebel Distributors Corp.
  • Redpharm Drug
  • Remedy Repack
  • Roxane Labs
  • Sandhills Packaging Inc.
  • Sandoz
  • St Mary’s Medical Park Pharmacy
  • UDL Laboratories
  • Va Cmop Dallas
  • Dosage Forms

    Form Route Strength
    Tablet Oral 2.,5 mg
    Solution Oral
    Liquid Oral
    Tablet Oral
    Tablet 2.5 mg/0.025mg
    Solution Oral 0.5 mg/mL
    Tablet Oral 25 mcg
    Tablet Oral 0.,025 mg


    Unit description Cost Unit
    Lomotil 2.5-0.025 mg/5ml Liquid 60ml Bottle 30.86USD bottle
    Lomotil 2.5-0.025 mg tablet 1.4USD tablet
    Lomotil tablet 1.,12USD tablet
    DrugBank does not sell nor buy drugs. Pricing information is supplied for informational purposes only.

    Patents Not Available


    State Solid Experimental Properties Predicted Properties

    Property Value Source
    Water Solubility 0.00146 mg/mL ALOGPS
    logP 5.,74 ALOGPS
    logP 5.88 ChemAxon
    logS -5.5 ALOGPS
    pKa (Strongest Basic) 8.5 ChemAxon
    Physiological Charge 1 ChemAxon
    Hydrogen Acceptor Count 3 ChemAxon
    Hydrogen Donor Count 0 ChemAxon
    Polar Surface Area 53.,33 Å2 ChemAxon
    Rotatable Bond Count 9 ChemAxon
    Refractivity 146.76 m3·mol-1 ChemAxon
    Polarizability 51.,1 ChemAxon
    Rule of Five No ChemAxon
    Ghose Filter No ChemAxon
    Veber’s Rule No ChemAxon
    MDDR-like Rule Yes ChemAxon

    Predicted ADMET Features

    Property Value Probability
    Human Intestinal Absorption + 0.,9903
    Blood Brain Barrier + 0.9592
    Caco-2 permeable + 0.5316
    P-glycoprotein substrate Substrate 0.7094
    P-glycoprotein inhibitor I Inhibitor 0.7045
    P-glycoprotein inhibitor II Inhibitor 0.7845
    Renal organic cation transporter Inhibitor 0.5967
    CYP450 2C9 substrate Non-substrate 0.,8333
    CYP450 2D6 substrate Non-substrate 0.5667
    CYP450 3A4 substrate Non-substrate 0.5988
    CYP450 1A2 substrate Non-inhibitor 0.6827
    CYP450 2C9 inhibitor Inhibitor 0.6701
    CYP450 2D6 inhibitor Inhibitor 0.6461
    CYP450 2C19 inhibitor Inhibitor 0.51
    CYP450 3A4 inhibitor Inhibitor 0.,5797
    CYP450 inhibitory promiscuity High CYP Inhibitory Promiscuity 0.817
    Ames test Non AMES toxic 0.8482
    Carcinogenicity Non-carcinogens 0.839
    Biodegradation Not ready biodegradable 0.9805
    Rat acute toxicity 3.3423 LD50, mol/kg Not applicable
    hERG inhibition (predictor I) Weak inhibitor 0.,7969
    hERG inhibition (predictor II) Inhibitor 0.592
    ADMET data is predicted using admetSAR, a free tool for evaluating chemical ADMET properties., (23092397)


    Mass Spec (NIST) Not Available Spectra


    Kind Protein Organism Humans Pharmacological action




    General Function Voltage-gated calcium channel activity Specific Function Receptor for endogenous opioids such as beta-endorphin and endomorphin. Receptor for natural and synthetic opioids including morphine, heroin, DAMGO, fentanyl, etorphine, buprenorphin and methadone…, Gen-Namen OPRM1 Uniprot ID P35372 Uniprot Namen Mu-type opioid-rezeptor Molekulargewicht 44778.855 Da

    1. Chen X, Ji ZL, Chen YZ: TTD: Therapeutische Ziel-Datenbank. Nucleic Acids RES 2002 Jan 1;30(1):412-5.
    2. E: Loperamid: a pharmacological review. Rev Gastroenterol Disord. 2007;7 Suppl 3:S11-8.
    3. Corazziari E: Rolle der Opioidliganden beim Reizdarmsyndrom. Kann J Gastroenterol. 1999 Mär; 13 Suppl A: 71A-75A.
    4. Coupar IM: Der peristaltische Reflex im Ratten – Ileum: Hinweise auf funktionelle mu-und Delta-Opiatrezeptoren., J Pharm Pharmacol. 1995 Aug;47(8):643-6.
    5. De Luca A, Coupar IM: Difenoxin und Loperamid: Studien zu möglichen Mechanismen der intestinalen antisekretorischen Wirkung. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Bogen. 1993 Februar;347(2): 231-7.

    Kind Proteinorganismus Mensch Pharmakologische Wirkung




    Allgemeine Funktion Opioidrezeptoraktivität Spezifische Funktion G-Protein gekoppelter Rezeptor, der als Rezeptor für endogene Enkephaline und für eine Teilmenge anderer Opioide fungiert., Die Ligandenbindung bewirkt eine Konformationsänderung, die die Signalisierung über Guanin n auslöst… Genname OPRD1 Uniprot ID P41143 Uniprot Name Delta-Typ-Opioidrezeptor Molekulargewicht 40368.235 Da

    1. Coupar IM: Der peristaltische Reflex im Ratten – Ileum: Nachweis für funktionelle mu-und Delta-Opiatrezeptoren. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1995 Aug;47(8):643-6.,


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    reated on June 13, 2005 07: 24 / Updated on November 02, 2020 21: 01


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