amit általában egy személyben lát, lehet, hogy nem az, aki valójában. Nem lehet közvetlenül látni, hogy mi rejlik bennük, mert csak azt a fajta személyiséget választják, amelyet kivetíteni akarnak. Ez az oka annak, hogy óvatosnak kell lenned az emberek valódi személyiségével kapcsolatban, akikkel minden nap találkoztál, mert soha nem fogod tudni, mi rejtőzik az összes mosoly mögött., Ebben a világban, ahol sokan két arcban rejtőznek, óvatosnak kell lenned azzal kapcsolatban, hogy kivel foglalkozol, mert így vagy úgy, képesek lesznek elpusztítani téged, ha lazítja a korlátot.

Amikor az emberek kétszínű, az egyetlen dolog, amit tudom, hogy nem bízhatsz meg őket.,

Every coin has two sides just like most people have two faces.,

I don’t need a bunch of fake friends. It’s much better to have 4 quarters than 100 pennies.,

Everyone has two faces but often we see only one side of them so never judge anyone by there looks.,

I’d rather have an enemy who admits they hate me instead of a friend who secretly put me down.,

Being nice to people you don’t like isn’t being “two-faced”, it’s called growing up.,

I hate two-faced people, it makes it harder for me to decide which side to slap first.,

I think I need glasses. Everywhere I look people are two-faced.,

If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?,

Sometimes, it’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off.,

Look twice at a two-faced man.,

If you are going to be two-faced at least make one of them pretty.,

Never trust someone easily. You’ll never know they may be two-faced quickly.,

You remind me of a penny because you’re two-faced and worthless.,

Why does everyone have to be so two-faced?,

Two faced; It’s the latest trend, and everyone seems to be in style.,

When I see you, I think I wonder which face she sees when she looks into the mirror.,

I hate two-faced people, it makes it harder for me to decide which side to slap first.


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