We learned onthe page,4-3: The Bohr Model of Atomsin the preceding Seminar,thatthe atomic structureof hydrogenthat had been difficultto be understoodwith classical theorywas beautifully explainedby Bohr’s quantum theory.,Această teorieeste uneori numitvechi teoria cuantică.
Aici să ne rezumaprincipalele punctede teorie.,În Bohr teoria cuantică a lui,acesta este consideratcă un atompoate fi descris prinRutherford modelul nuclear atom,în care un nucleu greueste înconjurat delumina electronicare se mișcă ascultareateoria clasică.,Since this atomic modelbrought aboutsome difficultiesdiscussed onthe pages,2-7: Summary of Part 2and4-1: The Difficulty of the Rutherford Model of the Nuclear Atomin the preceding Seminar,Bohr added thefollowing hypotheses;i.e.,,postulations ofstationary state,frequency condition,andquantum condition.,
A schematic sketch ofthe Rutherford modelof the nuclear atomis represented inthe following figure,in whichthe central black sphereis the atomic nucleus,and the small pointsdenote the electronssurrounding the nucleus.,While the atomic radiusis about,the nuclear radiusseems to be lessthan 1/10000 of it.


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